Garmol’s Commitment to the environment

Our commitment to the planet

It’s time to say goodbye to plastic bags, and that’s why we’re improving every day to offer the best alternatives and solutions to make shopping more sustainable and kinder to the environment.

And yes, we also use plastic, but it’s recycled! Every plastic component in our shopping trolleys comes from a carefully designed recycled plastic system.

We’re also doing our part to reduce our environmental impact by partnering with local suppliers to minimize transportation emissions. In 2023, we took things a step further by installing solar panels to lower our energy consumption and stay true to being more ECO + LOGICAL, both inside and out.

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Imgs Web Garmol Foto 4 Carros Compra Carritos duraderos resistentes divertidos colores alegres espana sostenible
Imgs Web Garmol Foto 5 Carros Compra Carritos duraderos resistentes divertidos colores alegres espana sostenible

Three words define our shopping trolleys:

Quality, quality, and more quality.

For us, caring for the environment also means crafting products that stand the test of time.

At Garmol, there’s only one way we do things: perfectly. Every detail matters, and we pour our hearts into innovating and refining our trolleys. From design to durability to production, we’re committed to delivering the very best in every way.

This is certified, in addition to the continued trust of our customers, by the most important European organizations, responsible for guaranteeing with ISO 9001 and 14001 certificates that the product in your hands is of the highest quality.

2237 9 REC 14001 2237 3 REC 9001 Certificado calidad ISO Carros Compra Carritos duraderos resistentes divertidos colores alegres espana sostenible

Commitment to variety

No two users are the same. That’s why our products aren’t either. Our shopping carts are designed to offer the greatest variety in formats, styles, and designs to satisfy all types of people.

Más clásicos, más modernos, térmicos, con bolsillos delanteros, giratorios, subescaleras, de dos, cuatro o seis ruedas, plegables, de todos los colores y de todos los tamaños…

More classic, more modern, thermal, with front pockets, swiveling, stair-climbing, 2, 4, or 6 wheels, foldable, in all colors and sizes…

todo sobre ruedas
carritos duraderos y resistentes
Imgs Web Garmol Foto 7 Carros Compra Carritos duraderos resistentes divertidos colores alegres espana sostenible