Garmol’s Quality and Environmental Policy
JAIME GARCÍA MOLL, S.L. (GARMOL), has implemented an Integrated Management System, with the main objectives of continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and our contribution to environmental protection. To this end, we have established the following policy:
- To apply an Integrated Management System appropriate to our activity, in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 9001 standards.
- Continuously improve our environmental performance and adopt the necessary measures to prevent pollution and favour the protection of the environment.
- Properly manage the waste generated, trying to systematically reduce waste, recycling and reusing it whenever possible, as well as making efficient use of natural resources, raw materials and energy.
- Adopt the necessary measures to guarantee compliance with the environmental regulations applicable to our activities.
- Define and periodically review the objectives and goals established within the continuous improvement process.
- Disseminate the organisation’s policy to employees, suppliers, subcontractors, other interested parties and anyone else who requests it, and make it available to them at our facilities.
- To make employees aware of the possible environmental aspects that may be generated, to motivate them to contribute ideas that help us to innovate and to train them so that they can carry out their tasks optimally, thus guaranteeing the quality of our products.
- To seek innovative solutions for our customers that represent a technological advance, developing products adapted to new needs and the development of technology.
- To achieve the maximum satisfaction of our customers, defining work procedures that ensure compliance with their needs and specifications, both for new designs and for products already developed, thus guaranteeing stable relationships that ensure the future of the company.
The Management